4 Exercises for Shoulder Weakness Following a Stroke
Disclaimer: All information presented in this blog post is intended solely for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. It is highly recommended that you consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program.
Individuals often experience upper and/or extremity weakness, also called hemiparesis, following a stroke. The following include 4 active-assist and self-range of motion exercises for upper extremity weakness.
Complete these exercises slowly and with control.
Avoid holding your breath. Often this leads to an increase in blood pressure.
Make sure you are sitting up tall and keeping your spine straight.
If you have any pain or feel dizzy, stop immediately. Make sure to monitor how you are feeling throughout.
Table Glides: 15-20 reps
Benefit: Encourage shoulder range of motion, strength, and sitting balance.
Sit in a comfortable chair at a table.
Clasp hands together.
Slowly and gently stretch your arms forward on the table. (I often put a cone or an object to use as a “target.”)
Table Circles: 20 each side
Benefit: Encourage shoulder range of motion, tolerance to upright position, and strengthens the shoulder muscles.
Place both hands on a small hand towel, placing one hand on top of the other and make medium circles to the right and then medium circles to the left. (Typically 15 each direction).
Shoulder Abduction and Adduction: 10 each side
Benefit: Stretches the shoulder muscles and increases upper extremity strength.
Either sitting or standing.
Cradle your affected arm with your unaffected arm.
Lift both arms to chest level, then move both elbows (without moving trunk or gaze), to the unaffected side.
Hold for 5 seconds and then return to neutral. Repeat 10 times.
Repeat on opposite side.
Shoulder Flexion: 10 reps
Benefit: Increases shoulder range of motion and movement efficiency.
Either sitting or standing.
Clasp your hands together and slowly raise your arms as high as you can and hold for 5 seconds.
With hands clasped, lower your hands down.
Repeat 10 times.